In Dow, a transformation strategy is insistently advanced by reducing the staff and selling non-strategic assets to decrease its operation cost. 陶氏化学公司通过裁员和出售非战略性业务降低运营成本,坚持推进转型战略。
During selling: For the customers, we will offer the professional skills training, expertise, and increasing the practical operation and demonstration of common sense and maintenance training. 售中:为客户提供规范的专业技术培训,增加专业知识并进行实际操作演示和维护常识的培训。
ABN Amro yesterday confirmed it was selling LaSalle, its US banking operation, to Bank of America for$ 21bn in cash. 荷兰银行昨日证实,准备将其美国银行业务LaSalle出售给美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA),作价210亿美元现金。
Our supreme court explains illegal pyramid selling as the crime of illegal business operation. 最高人民法院以《批复》的形式将情节严重的非法传销行为定性为非法经营罪。
The automatic umbrella selling machine has the advantages of simple structure, convenient operation, safety and reliability. 实用新型结构简单,操作方便,安全可靠。
It is cutting expenses by a third – more than$ 200m – in its wireless business and selling off part of the operation. 德州仪器将其无线业务的支出削减了三分之&逾2亿美元,并低价出售了部分业务。
Thereinto, the problems about founders selling basic assets and the construction and operation of SPV are the central ones. 证券化的监管法律制度。其中,关于发起人出售基础资产的法律问题和特殊目的实体组建和运作过程中的法律问题是中心问题。
During developing and selling belt-grinding machine, there exist usually problems such as too many design-change orders, as well as very difficult to let customer understand thoroughly performance, shape and operation state of belt-grinding machine. 在砂带磨床的开发与销售过程中,存在设计更改单过多,以及仅靠文字和图片的描述不足以满足让买家深入了解产品的性能、外形及其运作情况。
The behaviour of entrusting stock market of merchants who take charge of selling shares is not only the important reason of restraint of price when the issue of new shares, but also the key which makes the healthy operation of capital market and protects the interests of investors. 承销商托市不仅是新股发行抑价的重要原因,还是使资本市场健康运作,保护投资者利益的一个关键。
In the condition that the auction and pricing selling of the initial tradable emission permits have obstacle in practice, it is deemed that free allocation of initial tradable emission permits has operation in academia and practice. 初始排污权的公开拍卖和标价出售这种有偿分配方式在实践中遇到阻力的情况下,学术界和实践中均认为免费分配更具有可操作性,但免费分配需要有一个参照基础或依据。
JDC-Molybdenum Group co., Ltd is a large national mining group corporation. Information technology plays an important role in production, selling and operation decision of the corporation. 金堆城钼业集团是一家大型国有矿业集团公司,信息技术对公司的生产、销售和经营决策起着重要的作用。
Issue selling is a process that an employee influences his boss by proposed some issues about organization operation, development and so on. 而议题销售指个人通过提出关于组织的运营、发展等意见而影响上级注意力的过程。
With grain buying and selling become market-oriented reformation move forward steadily, become market-oriented operation of grain degree is more and more high. 随着粮食购销市场化改革的稳步推进,粮食市场化运作的程度越来越高。
The implementation of the system of direct selling win-win, warm of direct culture and great ability to adapt to completely changed the traditional enterprise operation mode. 直销双赢体制的贯彻、温馨的直销文化和巨大的适应能力完全颠覆了传统的企业运作模式。